Kimseng Suon

"You have many years ahead of you to create the dreams that we can't even imagine dreaming" - Steven Speilberg


Kimseng's Biography

Hello world! I am Kimseng. I’m 12 years old. I was born in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. My favorite projects were when we went to Singapore for collaborate with United World College to help Cambodia's NGOs with technology and another one is to learn about Culture Shock in Cambodia. I also went to Poipet (the border between Cambodia and Thailand), sell the newspapers that I made, Went to the forest, went to Mondulkiri and Kompong Speu to search for some old musics and I join some workshop. My favorite subjects are Exploration and Literacy. My favorite Exploration is Marine Conservation. We went to stay at an island for one week, learn about marine life and Snorkel and Scuba Diving for the first time in my life. My family and I live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I learn at Liger Learning Center because I want to help Cambodia in the future and help my family, too. My learning goal is to be better at math and to change Cambodia. I’m good at Literacy. My favorite book is Unbroken. In the future I want to be a film maker. My favorite animal is lion. My role models are Steven Spielberg, Casey Neistat and Sievphin Chong.

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"kimseng Suon"

Each student needs $500 to pay for flights, accommodation, food and competition costs. If you would like to donate press the button below!

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Lux Sovann

Hello my name is Lux. We are currently preparing ourselves for the VEX robotics competition in Taiwan, but we need your help! Your support will help us on this journey of learning, building, and competing.

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Samnang Sinoeun Nuon

I really need your help to advance my learning in order for me to fulfill my dream, which is to change the world to be a better place. My name is Samnang, I am 14 years old. I am an opportunist. I love all things that connect to engineering and technology.

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Seyha Khom

Hello! My name is Seyha, I’m 13 years old. Since I was a kid I’ve always wandered about how machines work. Even though I’ve got a long way to go as a kid, I am trying my best to understand the matters of mechanics.