Week Two

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Activity in Class

Week Two

It had been a week that we’ve been studying together and start gathering the information about robot and programming. On the first day, everyone seems to be likely normal and kind of didn’t understand what they needed to do for this exploration. But in the next day of class, everyone had came to class with smiling and understanding of what they’re needing to do for the class in order to accomplish the big goals. We had come to a discussion about What should the robot be look like?, How can we fine money in order to go out?, How to code C program? And what are the works that we need to get done before the competition day arrive. Currently we all had divided into three teams. The teams are Mechanic team, Fundraising team and of course Programming team. This week we all did a good job of discussing together and working in team. Fundraising is basically working on blog and video recording for every member in the team and writing a description about our class and so on. Mechanic team had been play around with a program called Fusion 360 and play around with Kit-VEX robot to see the function of all stuffs inside the robot. Lastly programming team, they had started to learn about C program, they used a program called RobotC which they use it to code in there. These are all what we had started for the first week. Let see what we will accomplish next?

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