Week Four

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Activity in Class

Week Four

Time fly through very fast, and now it’s come to a point that all of the team members needs to put a lot of their power and afford in working on robot building, coding and fundraising. We really don’t have that much more times left to prepare, 3 weeks away from the competition day start. Even though it seems to be complicated for our team on building the robot, changing the design and doing fundraising is that everyone had been contributing a lot of their power and energy for working together in the team and help the team to build up strong. This week the Coding Team is helping to build the fence which will be one of the big challenges in the competition and Mechanic Team is working on more on the robot parts and changing the design together with Coding Team. Last is Fundraising Team, we had sending out emails and searching for companies which we think that they might be interested in helping us to achieve our goal. This is one of the busy weeks but we all still work hard and give each other help and support in every time we need help. Big job for us to do in the next following 3 weeks is focusing on final the robot design and finding the money to support our team to fly to Taiwan to compete.

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